
This 9-week program is designed following the “Easy Strength” template by Pavel Tsatsouline and Dan John, as detailed in their book Easy Strength. For a comprehensive review of the program, you can read this article.

Much of this program is inspired by Dan John’s post, “Even Easier Strength”, which provides valuable insights into simplifying strength training.

Program Overview

  • Weeks 1–3 (Phase 1): Focus on foundational lifts.
  • Weeks 4–6 (Phase 2): Introduce slight variations (“same but different”) to the lifts.
  • Weeks 7–9 (Phase 3): Implement new variations to continue progress.

Each week consists of five training days with specified set and rep schemes. Rest periods and time estimates are provided according to the given calculation rules.

Volume Breakdown per Phase

Phase 1 (Weeks 1–3)

Volume per Movement Pattern per Week:

  • Hip Hinge: 10 sets/week (Barbell Deadlift)
  • Squat: 10 sets/week (Front Squat)
  • Upper Body Push: 11 sets/week (Barbell Military Press)
  • Upper Body Pull: 11 sets/week (Ring Rows)
  • Core: 5 sets/week (Ab Wheel Rollouts)
  • Loaded Carries: 5 sessions/week (Farmer’s Walks)

Volume per Body Part Prime Movers:

  • Back: 21 sets/week (Deadlifts + Ring Rows)
  • Chest/Shoulders: 11 sets/week (Military Press)
  • Legs: 20 sets/week (Deadlifts + Front Squats)
  • Core: 5 sets/week (Ab Wheel Rollouts)

Week 1 Workouts

Monday (Day 1)


  • Goblet Squats: 2 sets x 10 reps (Time: 1 min; Rest: 90 sec)
  • Kettlebell Swings: 3 sets x 25 reps (Time: 1.5 min; Rest: 3 min)
  • Turkish Get-ups: 2 reps per side (Time: 4 min total)

Main Workout:

  • Barbell Military Press: 2 sets x 5 reps (Time: 1 min; Rest between sets: 3 min)
  • Ring Rows: 2 sets x 5 reps (Time: 1 min; Rest between sets: 3 min)
  • Barbell Deadlift: 2 sets x 5 reps (Time: 1 min; Rest between sets: 3 min)
  • Front Squat: 2 sets x 5 reps (Time: 1 min; Rest between sets: 3 min)
  • Ab Wheel Rollouts: 1 set x 5 reps (Time: 0.5 min)
  • Farmer’s Walks: 3 sets x 50 meters with double kettlebells (Estimated Time: 5 min total)

Total Workout Time: Approximately 33 minutes

Tuesday (Day 2)

Same as Monday.

Wednesday (Day 3)


Same as Day 1 (Time: 6.5 min; Rest included in exercise time)

Main Workout:

  • Barbell Military Press: 5–3–2 reps
    • Set 1: 5 reps (Time: 0.5 min; Rest: 3 min)
    • Set 2: 3 reps (Time: 0.5 min; Rest: 3 min)
    • Set 3: 2 reps (Time: 0.5 min)
  • Ring Rows: 5–3–2 reps (Follow same timing as above)
  • Barbell Deadlift: 5–3–2 reps (Follow same timing as above)
  • Front Squat: 5–3–2 reps (Follow same timing as above)
  • Ab Wheel Rollouts: 1 set x 5 reps (Time: 0.5 min)
  • Farmer’s Walks: 3 sets x 50 meters with double kettlebells (Estimated Time: 5 min total)

Total Workout Time: Approximately 57 minutes

Friday (Day 4)

Same as Monday.

Saturday (Day 5)

Same as Monday.

Weeks 2 & 3

Repeat the same structure as Week 1, adjusting weights based on how you feel. If the weights feel light, add a small amount of weight. Remember, never miss a rep!

Phase 2 (Weeks 4–6)

Changes in Lifts:

  • Upper Body Push: Switch to Incline Bench Press
  • Upper Body Pull: Switch to Weighted Pull-ups (using attachable weight/dip belt)
  • Hip Hinge: Switch to Kettlebell Swings (heavy)
  • Squat: Switch to Back Squat
  • Core: Continue with Ab Wheel Rollouts
  • Loaded Carries: Switch to Sled Push/Pull
[The same structure and volume breakdown as before; adjust the HTML accordingly for your needs]

Phase 3 (Weeks 7–9)

[The same structure and details can be inserted here as above, depending on length. Adjust accordingly.]

Rest Periods and Time Calculations

  • 1 set: 30 seconds
  • Rest for 5 reps and below: 3 minutes
  • Rest for 6+ reps: 90 seconds
  • Exercise time is calculated using these rules and included next to each set in parentheses.

Additional Notes

  • Warm-up Exercises: Perform Goblet Squats, Kettlebell Swings, and Turkish Get-ups every workout to prepare your body and improve movement patterns.
  • Loaded Carries: Vary the type and weight of loaded carries to continually challenge your body.
  • Progression: Only add weight when the current weight feels light and your form is solid.
  • Recovery: Ensure adequate rest and nutrition to support your training.
  • Assessment: After completing the 9-week program, assess your mobility, strength levels, and overall progress toward your goals.

By following this structured program and making the appropriate changes every three weeks, you’ll continue to build strength without hitting plateaus. Remember to focus on form, never miss a rep, and gradually increase weights as movements become easier.