How Many Calories Do You Burn Putting Your Own Freakin’ Weights Away?

Oh, everyone is so impressed by all that weight you just pulled (and how loud you were when you did it)!  Would you like to leave that racked barbell on the floor?  Nah, go ahead and hit the showers.  I’ll put your weights away as soon as everyone is finished admiring your accomplishment.  You’re so strong!

– Snippet from a conversation I’ve never had with anyone

Sure, I know I’ve walked out of the gym without putting my weights away.  I’m not proud of it, but it happens.

You get an urgent phone call before your last set and have to run, or you puke your brain out of your head after doing a set of German volume training squats and forget.  It’s bound to happen on occasion.  What grinds my gears though is the folks who, for whatever cockamaymee b.s. reason, just leave their plates on the barbell for someone else to clean up every…single…time.

I don’t know if it’s laziness, pride, or if on some bonehead level, these benevolent chotches think they’re doing me a favor (see the classic 135 lbs barbell configuration left on the flat bench…not everyone starts with that weight, friend.  Thanks anyway).  Whatever the case may be, the madness needs to be addressed.

I’ve attempted to do my part.  I can’t seem to appeal to these meatheads through logic and common courtesy, so I’m attempting to do so by showing them that they can get a little more jacked (and possibly more tan at an outdoor facility) by stripping their barbells and putting their own weights away.

Enter the top set weight (the last set, and typically the heaviest) for each of your main barbell lifts, along with the weekly frequency of each lift, and see how many calories you’ll burn over the course of a year by not being a tool.